ACTA Conference programme 2015
ACTA A Call to Action
Fourth ACTA National Conference: T o C h a n g e t h e W o r l d Leeds Trinity University, LS18 5HD
Saturday 31 October 2015
You will need to Join / Login to Book or simply come on the day !
10.00 – 11.00 Registration with Tea and Coffee
11.00 Gathering in Auditorium: Opening Prayer
11.05 Welcome
11.20 Draft Mission Statement – for information
11.30 Jon Cruddas MP: Catholic Social Teaching – What is Justice?
12.05 Q&A Session
12.20 Jenny Sinclair: The Common Good – Building Community
12.55 Q&A Session
13.10 Lunch – eat, drink, mingle, discuss, browse, reflect
14.00 Gathering in Auditorium for Workshop based on Jesus’s Great Commandment Mt. 22: 37- 40
14.10 Group leaders lead to workshop areas
14.35 Group leaders to invite groups to focus on Feedback
14.50 Comfort Break
15.00 Gathering in Auditorium for workshop feedback
15.30 Plenary
15.50 Blessing and Farewell: Jean Riordan
16.00 Depart