Jean Riordan on Radio Wales (NEW)


 Robert Piggott's piece was on both the 6pm and 12 midnight news 18/04/2014


Fr Boyle and Alex Walker on the Synod Questionnaire disclosure 17/04/2014

BBC Radio Merseyside 17/04/14  19 minutes and 36 seconds from start

Today Programme  Robert Pigott programme at 0:44 minutes in

Jean Riordan with Msg Stock Today programme 1hour 51minutes into the programme

  • Catholic poll 'needs transparency'

    "Dialogue and transparency" is needed over the Catholic Church's consultation of sexuality and family life, the Catholic group A Call to Action has said. Jean Riordan, chair of the group's national leaders team, told the Today programme that Church teaching "should be formed by consulting".


Jean Riordan on radio five at 8.40ish.