Seeking together a new way of being Church - 24th January 7.30 p.m.

Invitation to an online discussion

For the Zoom link please email: Andrew Hornsby-Smith


Pope Francis is inviting us to take part in a new way of being Church, returning to the early Christian traditions of synodality. He writes to us all encouraging us to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit in preparation for a synod in 2023:

‘… humbly learning together how God is calling us to be as the Church in the third millennium.’

In your parish, you may or may not have had the opportunity to discuss some of the questions in the synod preparation document. We’re aware that in many places the response has been woeful or non-existent. I’ve attached a summary of some of the extracts if you’d like to know more. The Pope is keen to emphasize that this is not a ‘consultation’ but the start of a journey together in which we’re all involved.  I am writing to invite you to an online meeting as part of this ‘synodal journey’.

On Monday 24th January from 7.30 – 9 p.m. A Call To Action in Portsmouth and Arundel & Brighton dioceses is hosting an online meeting in which we’ll:

  • Introduce the evening, and what the Pope is asking us to think about
  • Spend time in prayer together
  • Break out into small listening groups to discuss some of the issues and opportunities we have.
  • A very brief plenary at the end and final prayer.

We are also attaching a series of possible issues for groups to consider, but you needn’t feel constrained by these.

Each group will have a team facilitator who will take notes. We’re hoping that these initial discussions will also lead to follow up meetings, so it would be helpful if, within your groups you could exchange email addresses (optional) so that we can do this. It would also be helpful if you could reply and let us know if you are interested so that we can set up the groups smoothly (famous last words!).

The meeting is open to all, and we’d particularly welcome contributions from those who have felt alienated or left out by the Church.

With best wishes

Andrew Hornsby-Smith                                           

A Call To Action Portsmouth Diocese    

T. +44 7917 845184


 Extracts from the Vademecum

Possible discussion points for Synod Listening