©Valentine Farrell 1996
Up on the hill it stands,
back from the road, a bit.
Strong and brown and black and big,
the Church
Daily I pass it, on my busy way.
It looks at me, I look at it,
Nothing happens.
I’m not disappointed, I never expected much,
From it.
“Sign this, sign that, tell me where”,
My needs are few and simple.
But, big and black and brown, it Gospels out Compassion.
“I would go with you on your busy way”, it says,
“For I am not a building,
Though these I seem to need.
I am the voice of One who echoes down the ages,
‘This is my body given for you’
Come, let me suckle you in your deepest need,
For I am the voice of She,
Who would have you call her, Mother”.