A letter which appeared in this weeks Tablet from the Core Group:
A Call to Action was started last autumn by seven priests (News from Britain and Ireland, 13 October). We ourselves were experiencing a great deal of frustration and even resentment at the state of our Church, and felt that many laypeople would share those feelings. We invited them to come to Heythrop so that we could all talk openly to one another and think about how we might constructively express our commitment to Vatican II in our current situation. We were overwhelmed by the large number of people who came, and the intensity of disillusion, anxiety for the future of our Church and often a sense of betrayal which they experience. We invited people all over England and Wales to form local groups in which our shared commitment might find expression. Many such groups have formed, in more than 12 dioceses. There are several important topics in theology and in church governance which they urgently wish to address; but in every case there is a desire to have much closer and more trusting relationships between laity, priests and bishops.
We hope to foster these developments, and to organise a national meeting some time in the autumn. We have a website located at http://www.acalltoaction.org.uk where people
can find more information, and sign in if they so wish.
We earnestly want to have a Church characterised by a recognition of the charisms of all our members, by intellectual honesty in our Catholic faith, and by our desire to learn from
and witness effectively to our world. Why not join us?
Kevin Hannigan, Gerard J. Hughes,
Chris Larkman (and 10 others)
A Call to Action