The days that follow Easter and the Resurrection share a common characteristic, they are days of wonder and a degree of apprehension. We are told that the disciples gathered in the upper room because they were fearful and yet in the Emmaus story, they were curious. “Didn’t our hearts our hearts warm within us?”
I want to reflect on those days that we are now experiencing through lines that I have written over the years about this period of time, words written as poems that also serve as meditative prayers or reflections.
Back in 1993 I wrote the text for the Steyning Stations, Walk with Me, published by McCrimmons. The 15th Station marked the Resurrection. The image illustrates this article.
and the first light in the garden
brings shadows of women
they did not recognize,
in this Springtime Pasch,
the Nazarene
Passing over
into Galilee.
in the finger space
of the morning dawn
the Resurrected Christ
greets us.
we did not trust you
we did not understand
we thought it was over.
‘No, my people,
it has just begun’”
The appearance of the Lord to the two women was the start of something, the beginning of a journey that each of us as Christians has to undertake, a passing over into Galilee.
These few words reflect on that journey.
“The people of the Lord
celebrate with joy
this day of Resurrection
this day of passing over
for now he calls us
into Galilee.
We stand before you
listening to the Spirit calling
In simplicity.”
A person on pilgrimage does not have an easy time. They often stumble, get tired and impatient, think about giving up. It is then that they need help and support from companions on the way with them.
share the load
of the person
who stumbles at your side.
a path that is hidden
without fear.
the instant where
you are standing now,
the very God
that is in
that stumbling form.”
We are accepted as we are, a work in progress, imperfect, unfinished. We require sustenance for the journey, so the Eucharist is ours to share.
“I come to Christ
as I am.
Not as I
would like to be
not as others
would have me be
but as the Good God
made me
as I am.
Clothed in the years
of my speaking
formed by the thoughts
of my making
face turned
to the God
of my being
as I am.”
A story line is beginning to unfold. No one is without fault, each has a path to follow, we all struggle to make amends for our mistakes, but we are who we are, ill-shaped trying to become someone.
Breakfast by the lakeside was a shared meal of forgiveness, a meal after a night of fishing on the Lake, a time when Peter was forgiven for his denial of the Christ. The meal at Emmaus stirred something of wonderment in the two men who shared food with a stranger from the road, the stranger they recognized when he broke and shared bread with them. Thomas believed when Jesus invited him into his company and showed himself to the apostle who wanted proof. All times of greeting and wonderment.
This Easter is celebrated in a time of conflict and confusion, a time of war in Europe that makes us ask the question “Where are you Lord?”
“We look around
and see a world in need.
May we be quiet a moment
and listen to you.
May we be still a while
and hear you.
May we be patient
and wait for you.
May we watch at dawn
and seek you.
May we care for others
and touch you”.
Share the blessings of this Easter with each other as you continue on your journey.