John Wilkins

John Wilkins


1936 -2022


John Wilkins’ death was announced earlier on Tuesday 26th April. The tributes to his work will emphasise, and rightly so, his work as Editor of The Tablet. Under his guidance the circulation increased and he ensured a balanced and lively mixture of articles.

Members of ACTA - A Call to Action - will remember John as a valued member of the leadership team from the earliest days of the organisation. With an eye  for detail and an ear for the right tone of a press release, he was the  consummate professional. His manner was gentle and he could be quietly  spoken but there was a firmness of intellect that made itself felt. His  generosity of spirit was evident in the way he used his many contacts [the  BBC/ print journalism] to help to develop the media awareness of members. He managed the website and the press releases from the early days and his  easy understanding of how to engage with his fellow professionals earned  our respect, our admiration and thanks.  

Any discussion of issues benefitted from his encyclopaedic knowledge, but  that intelligence was balanced with a gentle amiability that touched many. Others have spoken of his infectious enthusiasm and his capacity to  encourage and support others to flourish. He was a man who was generous  of his skills, his experience, his capacity to engage. 

The Trustees are aware of the debt we owe John for the all he did and all he  encouraged to be done. For all this, and more, we extend to his family, friends  and colleagues our deepest condolences at this time. 

Rest in Peace 

Frank Callus on behalf of the ACTA Trustees